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Hyundai Santa FE (2006 release)

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Hyundai Santa FE
Santa FE
Operation and maintenance of car
Manual Transmission
Removal and installation of a mechanical transmission
Disassembly and assembly of mechanical transmission
Check disassembling and assembling the input shaft
Check, disassembly and assembly of the output shaft
Removal, check and assemblage of the mechanism gear manual transmission
Test and assembling the gear lever
Checking the oil level in the transfer case
Changing the oil in the transfer case
The transfer case assembly
Automatic transmission
Drive Shaft and Axle
Steering Gear
Onboard electric

Hit Counter by Digits

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Disassembly and assembly of mechanical transmission

Components of a mechanical transmission
Fig. 3.8. Components of a mechanical transmission: 1 - Back Cover; 2 - lock nut; 3 - a lock ring; 4 - the transmission housing; 5 - tube retainer, the spring and the ball; 6 - the intermediate shaft reverse gear; 7 - an intermediate gear wheel of a backing; 8 - fork reverse gear assembly; 9 - Scenes (spring) reverse gear; 10 - the lever of inclusion of a reverse gear; 11 - stop reverse gear; 12 - reversing light switch; 13 - a conducted gear wheel drive of a speedometer; 14 - lock pin; 15 - 1-2 shift fork rod gear; 16 - a plug of switching gears 1-2; 17 - stem tip 1-2 shift fork gear (head gear shift 1-2); 18 - lock pin; 19 - 3-4 shift fork rod gear; 20 - a plug of switching gears 3-4; 21 - stem tip 3-4 shift fork gear (head gear shift 3-4); 22 - lock pin; 23 - Gear Shift 5-rear gear; 24 - a plug of switching 5 reverse gear; 25 - stem tip shift fork 5th gear rear (5-head switch the rear gear); 26 - the input shaft; 27 - the output shaft; 28 - a cover of the bearing; 29 - the differential assembly; 30 - Magnet; 31 - gland; 32 - clutch


Back cover
Fig. 3.9. Back cover

Remove the rear transaxle housing, locknut and the retaining ring (Fig. 3.9).
Remove the cap retainer, spring and ball.

Reversing light switch
Fig. 3.10. Reversing light switch

Remove reversing light switch (Fig. 3.10).
Remove the bolts fastening the rear housing and the main body.
Remove the intermediate shaft reverse gear and an intermediate reverse gear.

Removing limiter reverse gear
Fig. 3.11. Removing limiter reverse gear

Remove the rocker (spring), reverse gear (Fig. 3.11).

Fork reverse gear assembly
Fig. 3.12. Fork reverse gear assembly

Remove the stopper reverse gear and fork reverse gear assembly (Fig. 3.12).

Removing the lock pin of the plug and the tip of the rod assembly from the pin vyshtampovki
Fig. 3.13. Removing the lock pin of the plug and the tip of the rod assembly from the pin vyshtampovki

Carefully remove the locking pin from the plug and the tip of the rod assembly with vyshtampovki pin (Fig. 3.13).

To remove the locking pins
Fig. 3.14. To remove the locking pins

Remove all locking pins, the location of which is shown in the figure (Fig. 3.14).

Gear Shift 5-rear gear shift fork 5 and the rear gear shift fork stem tip 5 rear transmission
Fig. 3.15. Gear Shift 5-rear gear shift fork 5 and the rear gear shift fork stem tip 5 rear transmission

Remove the shift fork rod 5 back-gear shift fork 5 and the rear gear shift fork stem tip 5 rear transmission (Fig. 3.15).

Stem plugs and plug 3-4 gear shift
Fig. 3.16. Stem plugs and plug 3-4 gear shift

Remove the Gear Shift gears 3-4, 3-4 shift fork and gear shift fork stem tip 3-4 gear (head gear shift 3-4) (Fig. 3.16).

Stem plugs and plug 1-2 gear shift
Fig. 3.17. Stem plugs and plug 1-2 gear shift

Remove the Gear Shift gears 1-2, 1-2 shift fork and gear shift fork stem tip 1-2 gear (head gear shift 1-2) (Fig. 3.17).
Remove the synchronizer sleeve and the gear assembly input and output shafts in this order, and then lift the main shaft (Remove synchromesh clutch and gear input and output shafts).

Output shaft
Fig. 3.18. Output shaft

Remove rings, bearings and the synchronizer clutch assembly of the input shaft. Remove the four bearing and remove the output shaft (Fig. 3.18).
Remove the differential assembly.

Removing differential
Fig. 3.19. Removing differential

Remove the speedometer driven gear after removing the bolt (Fig. 3.19).

Removing the input shaft oil seal
Fig. 3.20. Removing the input shaft oil seal

Remove the input shaft oil seal using a screwdriver or a suitable tool (Fig. 3.20).
Remove the gland.
Remove the oil seal stop reverse gear with a screwdriver or a suitable tool.

Removing the input shaft oil seal
Fig. 3.21. Removing the input shaft oil seal

Remove differential oil seal using a screwdriver or a suitable tool (Fig. 3.21).


Installing oil seal drive shaft
Fig. 3.22. Installing oil seal drive shaft

Set the drive shaft seal (Fig. 3.22).

Installing bearing Gearbox
Fig. 3.23. Installing bearing Gearbox

To assemble the bearings PPC and install the differential housing, use a special tool (Fig. 3.23).

Install differential oil seal
Fig. 3.24. Install differential oil seal

Install the differential oil seal (Fig. 3.24).
Install the speedometer driven gear.

Installing differential
Fig. 3.25. Installing differential

Install the differential into the crater of coupling (Fig. 3.25).
Set the input and output shafts in the clutch crater.

Installing the gear input shaft and vyhdnogo
Fig. 3.26. Installing the gear input shaft and vyhdnogo

Install gears and synchronizer clutch assembly input and output shafts (Fig. 3.26).
Install the rod of a plug of switching gears 1-2, 1-2 gear shift fork and stem tip 1-2 shift fork gear (head gear shift 1-2).
Install the rod of a plug of switching gears 3-4, 3-4 gear shift fork and stem tip 3-4 shift fork gear (head gear shift 3-4).
Install the shift fork rod 5 back-gear shift fork 5 and the rear gear shift fork stem tip 5 rear transmission.

To install the locking pins
Fig. 3.27. To install the locking pins

Install the locking pins and rods forks forks in the collection, in the order shown in the diagram (Fig. 3.27).
Install the fork reverse gear assembly and limiting reverse gear and tighten two bolts fork reverse gear.
Install the reverse gear lever and tighten the two screws lever of inclusion of a reverse gear.
Install Scenes (spring) reverse gear.

Intermediate shaft reverse gear and intermediate gear reverse
Fig. 3.28. Intermediate shaft reverse gear and intermediate gear reverse

Install the intermediate shaft reverse gear and an intermediate gear reverse (Fig. 3.28).
Attach a magnet to the crater of the clutch.

Fixing screws Transmission
Fig. 3.29. Fixing screws Transmission

Secure the gearbox mounting bolts (Fig. 3.29).
Install reversing light switch.
Install the plug, seat, springs and balls.
Install the output shaft lock nut.
Replace the back cover.

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Removal and installation of a mechanical transmission
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Check disassembling and assembling the input shaft

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