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Volkswagen Golf IV (1997 release)

general info. full specifications. diagnostics. hints. tips. tricks
Volkswagen Golf 4
Golf 4
Gasoline engines
Diesel engines
Technical specifications
The bottom mudguard of a motor compartment
Removal and installation of the power unit
Toothed belt
Installation of the piston of the first cylinder in TDC
Checking tension roller of a gear belt
Removal and installation of the cylinder head
Removing and installing intake manifold of the diesel engine SDI
Compression check in engine cylinders
Removing and installing V-ribbed belt
Engine oil recommendations
Circuit of motor oil
Checking oil pressure and oil pressure sensor
Removing and installing oil pan
Fault diagnosis of diesel engine
The basic malfunctions of system of greasing
Cooling system
Fuel System
Exhaust system
Ventilation and heating system
Suspension brackets and power shafts
Wheels and tires
Electrical equipment and wiring

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Installation of the piston of the first cylinder in TDC

1. Turn the crankshaft of the engine so that the first cylinder established at TDC.
2. Crank the engine in the following ways:
- Lift the front of the car and fix on supports. Turn on 5th gear and tighten the hand brake. Hold one front wheel from turning, manually rotate the second front wheel. This crankshaft will rotate;
- Park the vehicle on level ground, then turn on the 5th gear and manually move the car forward or backward;
- Establish a transmission in neutral position and tighten a manual brake. Using a wrench, bolt for the crankshaft pulley a cranked shaft of the engine.

A warning

Not crank the engine crankshaft pulley bolt for a camshaft, as in this case, the load on the toothed belt is maximized.

Manual Transmission
3. Remove the plug in the clutch housing.
4. Turn the engine crankshaft as long as "0" mark on the handwheel is aligned with the pointer on the clutch housing (arrow). When combining labels with pointers the first cylinder is at TDC on the compression stroke (A - Engine AGP, B - Engines AGR, AHF, ALH).
Automatic transmission
5. Turn the crankshaft of the engine as long as the "0" mark appears in the left box converter (arrow). In this case the first cylinder is at the TDC in the compression stroke.
The diesel engine SDI
6. Remove the intake manifold.
7. Remove the top casing of a gear belt and cylinder head cover.
8. If the gear belt is repeatedly established, using a marker or paint, mark the direction of rotation of the toothed belt. When viewed from the front of the engine, the motor pulley rotates clockwise.
9. Remove the screws (indicated by arrows), fastening expansion tank and tank popolnitelny the power steering and without disconnecting the hoses on them, move them to the side.
10. Place the tool to block 3418 in a groove in the end of the camshaft.
11. blocking tool installed in the camshaft, turn camshaft (turning the crankshaft clockwise) so that the tool blocking one side pressed against the surface of the cylinder head. Using the blade of the probe, measure the gap between the second end of the tool block and the cylinder head. Turn camshaft slightly back and on both sides between the tool block and the cylinder head, set two probe thickness equal to half of the previously measured gap.
12. Lock the fuel pump pulley locking pin VW-3359. Because of the pulley of the fuel pump unscrew the screws (1), and in their place a new screw in the bolts tightened them at this stage of the hand. Unscrewing bolts should be performed at a time, because they can move around sections of the pulley of the fuel pump. Do not unscrew the central nut (2) fastening of a pulley of the fuel pump, as this pulley can be displaced.
13. Due to the fact that the right support of the power unit prevents the removal of the timing belt, it is necessary to maintain the special adaptation VW engine 10-222A and remove the right support of the power unit.
14. Support for the engine can be carried out from below a jack through wooden bar.
15. Hold against turning the crankshaft pulley, remove the four bolts securing the pulley to the crankshaft. Remove the crankshaft pulley.
16. Remove the screws (indicated by arrows) securing the right support of the power unit to a body and motor mount.
17. Remove the screws (indicated by arrows), fastening the holder of the right support of the power unit to the engine.
18. Unscrew the nut of a tension roller of a gear belt.
19. Remove the timing belt from the motor pulley.

A warning

Do not bend sharply toothed belt, as in the operation of the toothed belt in place sharp bend can break, resulting in damage to the engine.

20. After removing the toothed belt pulley does not change the position of the toothed belt.

A warning

If after removing the toothed belt crankshaft of the engine, there will be an impact of pistons with valves, causing them to be damaged and will require extensive repairs of the engine. Mark the position of the crankshaft pulley, for which paint put labels on a pulley and the engine block. If necessary, turn the crankshaft by 90 ?� clockwise or counterclockwise.

Check the toothed belt for wear, bundle or lubrication. If the toothed belt there are traces of oil before installing the new belt locate the source of the oil leak and fix it.

Do not twist or bend a gear belt. Exclude hit on a toothed belt oil, coolant or fuel.

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