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Nissan Maxima QX (1993 release)

general info. full specifications. diagnostics. hints. tips. tricks
Nissan Maxima QX
Maxima QX
Operating Instructions
Adjustment and routine maintenance
Engines SOHC
Engines DOHC
Total engine overhaul
general information
Checking oil pressure
Check the compression pressure in the cylinders
Diagnostics of the engine with vacuum gauge application
Alternative variants of schemes of regenerative repair of the engine
Removal of the power unit from the car - preparation and precautions
Removing and installing engine
An order of dismantling of the engine by its preparation for major repairs
Dismantling of a head of cylinders
Cleaning and checking the status of a head of cylinders
Service valves
Assembling the cylinder head
Removing the connecting rod and piston assembly
Removing the crankshaft
Cleaning the engine block
Checking the status of the unit
Honing of cylinder bores
Checking the components connecting rod and piston group
Checking the status of the crankshaft
Check and selection of loose leaves main and connecting rod bearings of the crankshaft
Checking the camshafts, valve tappets and bearings
The order of assembly of the engine
Installation of the piston rings
Installation of a cranked shaft and check of working backlashes of radical bearings
Installing the crankshaft rear oil seal
Installing the connecting rod and piston assemblages and check of size of working backlashes in connecting rod bearings of the crankshaft
Test run and running the engine after major repairs
System of cooling, heating
The power supply system and release
Electric motor
Engine Control Systems
Coupling and power shafts
Suspension and steering
Onboard electric

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Assembling the cylinder head


1. Regardless of whether the head was sent to the workshop for service valves, or not, before proceeding to its assembly, once again carefully check the purity of all components.
2. After the return of the head of the studio it will already be installed valves with associated components. In this case, the procedure should be deleted the next two paragraphs and go directly to the actions described in paragraph 5.
3. Coat the valve stems with a light oil and tuck them into their guides. Install the valve spring seat.

On SOHC engine for each of the valve springs (indoor and outdoor) provides a separate seat. It must first be ascertained outer spring seat, then - the inner. Through the valve stems to plant new stem seals on the guides.

On engines DOHC valve stem seals "planted" on their guides by careful zastukivaniya hammer through the special holder, or a socket of a suitable size. On SOHC engine landing caps of inlet valves should use a special device, caps exhaust valves can be planted by hand. Make sure that caps are not turned on twisted sleeves.

4. Replace the valve stem spring (s) and its plate. The special tool compress the spring, dropping the plate, then set to open the top groove on the valve stem crackers cutting lock. In order to temporarily fix crackers before releasing tools lubricate the inside of the grease. Slowly release the spring (s) and make sure the reliability of landing crackers.

In each valve SOHC engine is equipped with two springs. First, you must enclose the inner to the outer spring, and then set in the assembly is seated on the valve. All engines springs mounted end with a reduced pitch turns to the head.

5. On engines DOHC reinstall valve lifters and camshafts.
6. Set SOHC engine camshafts, push rods and the assembly of the guide rocker with axes.
7. Make sure that the heads be removed from further use of old components were installed strictly on the former places.

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Service valves
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Removing the connecting rod and piston assembly

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